Custom Query (50 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#5 better internal representation of canvases new task minor Final core
#6 support more character attributes new enhancement minor Final core
#8 support TABs new defect minor Final core
#9 Ciekawostki i zwierzęta new enhancement trivial Final core
#10 handle frame names in caca export new defect major Final core
#11 autogrowing canvases new enhancement minor Final core
#12 brightness and contrast support for bitmaps new defect major Final core
#13 improve error distribution dithering new task critical Final core
#14 variable error diffusion new defect major Final core
#15 additional colour mode dithering new defect major Final core
#17 better mask support in caca_blit new defect major Final core
#18 optimise exporters' memory usage new defect major Final core
#19 beep support new defect minor Final core
#20 better keyboard driver in an X terminal new defect major Final core
#23 Unicode broken in ncurses / (slang) new defect critical Final core
#24 text edit widget new defect major Final core
#29 keyboard support in kernel mode new defect major Final port: kernel
#30 printf/fprintf missing from kernel mode new defect major Final port: kernel
#31 kernel malloc is retarded new defect major Final port: kernel
#32 write a real tutorial new defect major Final documentation
#34 we need a file browser new defect critical Final core
#35 open ANSI files new defect major Final core
#36 save screen option new defect major Final core
#37 totally non-functional new defect critical Final core
#43 inherit attributes new defect major Final core
#48 Improved support for mingw+msys assigned enhancement major build system
#50 transparency broken for caca_import_file new defect critical core
#52 Wrong ln command in caca makefile new defect minor build system
#56 write correct figfont implementation new defect major core
#57 render in an X drawable new enhancement minor core
#60 debugging module using ptrace new enhancement major core
#65 build-win32 leaves spurious bin/ directory new defect major build system
#76 Allow zzat to output immediately new defect major core
#77 zzuf: fine-tune exit conditions assigned defect major core
#81 Problem compiling libcaca 0.99.beta17 new defect major core
#83 Redirect stdin/stdout on Windows new defect major port: Windows
#84 cannot run executables with ASLR new defect critical port: Windows
#88 DYLD_FORCE_FLAT_NAMESPACE breaks copy mode fuzzing on OSX new defect major port: OS X
#89 Copy mode should retain the original seed file's extension new enhancement major core
#91 Key event problem with gl and ncurses driver new defect critical core
#92 Awesome new defect major core
#93 libcaca compile errors. 0.99.beta17 and svn checkout. new defect major core
#94 zzuf doesn't catch *** glibc detected *** messages new defect major core
#95 Home Loan Calculator - How Does A Loan Calculator Work? new defect major core
#96 seo reputation new defect trivial core
#97 Mine introe new defect major Pathetic core
#98 Unearth introe new defect major Pathetic core
#100 SizeGenetics overview new defect major core
#107 Very bag new defect major core
#108 Cheap Viagra in Israel new defect major Pathetic core
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