Opened 14 years ago

#91 new defect

Key event problem with gl and ncurses driver

Reported by: Alex Foulon Owned by: Sam Hocevar
Priority: critical Milestone:
Component: core Version: SVN
Keywords: Cc:
Product: libcaca


1) With gl driver:

The release key event isn't caught.

CACA_DRIVER=gl ./key_event

2) With ncurses driver:

When you pass a libcaca program behind a pipe with ncurses driver, key event doesn't work and block program.

echo "a string" | CACA_DRIVER=ncurses ./key_event

Attachments (1)

key_event.c (943 bytes) - added by Alex Foulon 14 years ago.
A little program to test key pressed and released events

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (1)

Changed 14 years ago by Alex Foulon

Attachment: key_event.c added

A little program to test key pressed and released events

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