Opened 17 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

#20 new defect

better keyboard driver in an X terminal

Reported by: Sam Hocevar Owned by: Sam Hocevar
Priority: major Milestone: Final
Component: core Version: SVN
Keywords: Cc:
Product: libcaca


When in an X terminal, we are stuck with terminal emulation limitations, such as keypress handling. There is no way to know that the Shift or Alt keys have been pressed until another non-modifier key was pressed.

There are techniques (see to improve this. Quite a dirty hack, but well, might be worth a try.

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 17 years ago by Sam Hocevar

Summary: better keyboard driver in an X terminallibcaca: better keyboard driver in an X terminal

comment:2 Changed 16 years ago by Sam Hocevar

Component: libcacacore
Product: libcaca
Summary: libcaca: better keyboard driver in an X terminalbetter keyboard driver in an X terminal
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