
Development is very open and we welcome bug reports, suggestions and patches. You can create a new ticket to report a bug or make a suggestion, or browse all active tickets. See the timeline for what happened recently, have a look at the TODO list or let us know about your own projects.

Despite libcaca’s limited audience, we target high code quality. Patches will be mercilessly butchered until they comply with our coding style guidelines.

You can help our research projects by running our distributed computations.


Discussions are happening on the Freenode network’s #libcaca channel. The developers can be reached there most of the time.


libcaca development is managed using Subversion. Currently available repositories are:

  • libcaca -- svn://
  • TOIlet -- svn://
  • cacatris -- svn://
  • ttyvaders -- svn://
  • neercs -- svn://

For instance, to retrieve the main libcaca trunk, use this command:

svn co svn:// libcaca-trunk

The repositories can be browsed using the web-based SVN browser.


There are three mailing-list for the project:

The mailing-lists are managed by Ecartis. To subscribe, send an email to containing the words “subscribe libcaca”, “subscribe libcaca-svn” or “subscribe libcaca-trac”. To unsubscribe, use “unsubscribe libcaca” etc.

The mailing-list archives are available on the web:

Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on 09/28/2008 12:44:25 AM