Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of testsuite
- Timestamp:
- 02/17/2010 12:03:16 AM (15 years ago)
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
- Modified
v5 v6 64 64 * `repeat(8000,getc_unlocked()) fread(1,33000)` 65 65 66 '''check-zzuf-A-autoinc''' is a check for `zzuf -A ` (`--autoinc`): it runs `zzat` with two files, and checks that the second file read is fuzzed differently with `-A`.66 '''check-zzuf-A-autoinc''' is a check for `zzuf -A|--autoinc`: it runs `zzat` with two files, and checks that the second file read is fuzzed differently with `-A`. 67 67 68 '''check-zzuf-f-fuzzing''' is a check for `zzuf -f ` (`--fuzzing`): it checks that `xor` always changes the input file, that `set` changes all files except when the input already has all bits set, and so on.68 '''check-zzuf-f-fuzzing''' is a check for `zzuf -f|--fuzzing`: it checks that `xor` always changes the input file, that `set` changes all files except when the input already has all bits set, and so on. 69 69 70 '''check-zzuf-M-max-memory''' is a check for `zzuf -M ` (`--max-memory`): it runs a misbehaving executable allocating enormous massive chunks of memory when its input is corrupted, and checks that zzuf properly catches the failure.70 '''check-zzuf-M-max-memory''' is a check for `zzuf -M|--max-memory`: it runs a misbehaving executable allocating enormous massive chunks of memory when its input is corrupted, and checks that zzuf properly catches the failure. 71 71 72 '''check-zzuf-m-md5''' is a check for `zzuf -m ` (`--md5`): it checks that zzuf properly computes known MD5 checksums such as `d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e` (the empty string) or `5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3` (hello world).72 '''check-zzuf-m-md5''' is a check for `zzuf -m|--md5`: it checks that zzuf properly computes known MD5 checksums such as `d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e` (the empty string) or `5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3` (hello world). 73 73 74 '''check-zzuf-r-ratio''' is a check for `zzuf -r ` (`--ratio`): it checks for consistency with the expected average number of flipped bits with a given ratio:74 '''check-zzuf-r-ratio''' is a check for `zzuf -r|--ratio`: it checks for consistency with the expected average number of flipped bits with a given ratio: 75 75 {{{ 76 76 #!latex 77 $n_{expected} = \dfrac {n R^{1 - \frac{2}{n}}}{2}$77 $n_{expected} = \dfrac {n_{total}r^{1 - \frac{2}{n_{total}}}}{2}$ 78 78 }}} 79 79