[wiki:libpipi << back to libpipi] == Cool stuff for libpipi == Here are a few links to excellent research stuff that we need to implement. * [http://www.cse.ucsc.edu/~htakeda/kernelreg/kernelreg.htm Kernel Regression for Image Processing and Reconstruction] - Gaussian noise removal, film grain reduction, image upscale * [http://www.math.cuhk.edu.hk/~rchan/paper/impulse/index.html Salt-and-Pepper Noise Removal by Median-type Noise Detectors and Edge-preserving Regularization] - awesome salt-and-pepper noise removal Unsorted links: * [http://geometryalgorithms.com/Archive/algorithm_0109/algorithm_0109.htm The Convex Hull of a 2D Point Set or Polygon] * [http://www.printernational.org/rgb-versus-cmyk.php RGB versus CMYK] * [http://imaging.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/imaging/PrinciplesSmoothing An Introduction to Smoothing] * [http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms893078.aspx Converting Between YUV and RGB] * [http://www.fourcc.org/ fourcc.org] * [http://www.martinreddy.net/gfx/faqs/colorconv.faq Colour Space Conversions FAQ] * [http://ostermiller.org/dilate_and_erode.html Efficiently Implementing Dilate and Erode Image Functions]