[wiki:libpipi << back to libpipi] = Libpipi examples = A tileable brushed metal texture: {{{ pipi random:256x256 --gray --wrap --blur 10x0 -o image.png }}} [[Image(brushed.png)]] A tileable neon texture: {{{ pipi random:128x128 --wrap --blur 10 --contrast .98 --tile 256x256 -o image.png }}} [[Image(neon.png)]] A tileable, colourful cloth-like texture: {{{ pipi random:256x256 --wrap --boxblur 30 --autocontrast -o image.png }}} [[Image(cloth.png)]] Smooth an image while retaining sharp edges: {{{ pipi monaface.png --dup --median 2 --mean -o image.png }}} [[Image(monaface.png)]] [[Image(smooth.png)]] Apply a poster effect to any image: {{{ pipi lena.png --scale 4 --split --roll 3 --dither halftone:30:45 --roll 3 --dither halftone:30:75 --roll 3 --dither halftone:30:15 --combine --scale .25 -o image.png }}} [[Image(lena.png)]] [[Image(poster.png)]]